HMUN 2018: Testimony from one of the « Chaperonne »

Testimony from one of the « Chaperonne » (how we were referred to by the HMUN  staff! ) or the  more dignified term: “ ADVISER…” : Brigitte Khalifa

To express in a few words my impressions of this unique experience is a real challenge: a long process  indeed, since last June, with ups and downs, from the registration of the school and the moment when the delegation was assigned the representation of Nigeria, the long and tedious sponsoring activity, the moments when we thought too many obstacles were in our way, and we would not make it, the serious and long club cessions to organize, plan, recap, learn the procedures and the positions, teach rhetoric, and encourage, boost, and sometimes put back on track,  including one Saturday debates while enjoying  the marvellous  food cooked by one delegate’s mother,  and the final joy of the departure…..ALL THE WAY FROM CARTHAGE, BOSTON HERE WE GO !!

Once over there, how can we recall  in a few lines, the high powered atmosphere, the thousands of delegates from all over the world, milling about the huge hall,  talking, debating, exchanging going back and fro  from their committees , starting at 9 am and finishing at 11.45pm, just in time to reach the hotel before the curfew!  Including during the week end!!

But above all, I’ll remember the smile on our pupils’  faces and the light in their eyes after they realized they had actually overcome this daunting experience : speaking in front of hundreds of others and  achieving  some of their goals.

The topic of the conference :

  1. M. P. O. W. E. R. M. E. N. T. and E. .D .U .C .A .T .I .O .N

Will provide the conclusion for this testimony: 20 letters , 20, words to recall my memories of this memorable experience…..

ENGLISH…the very first requirement.

MOTIVATION …the 2 nd most important standard to make it there.

POTENTIALS to be developed thanks to this POWERFUL experience.

OPPORTUNITIES … so many new ones..

WORK…very hard work indeed.

EXPERIENCE…the one of a life time for so many of us.

RESOLUTIONS, …so many of them, reached thanks to RHETORIC.

MILLENIALS at work:  tomorrow’s  leaders..let’s be prepared!

ENORMOUS event…3700 delegates !!

NEGOCIATIONS for NIGERIA…such fun  to have represented it!

TUNISIA… the Tunisian flag in Harvard.. proud ambassadors.and……

ENORMOUS.. American way: skyscrapers and hamburgers, malls

DREAM come true…for our eager  DELEGATES

UNITED Nations… , what else?

COMMITTEES  and CAUCUSES…”honourable delegates”.


TEACHING through TALKING, and it worked!

INTERNATIONAL, cultures, ways and means, languages..

OVERCOME…fears,  self  consciousness, doubts…

NETWORKS of students from all NATIONS….

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